hypertension, heart disease, age, education, healthAbstract
Hypertension and heart disease are health problems with high prevalence, especially in older age groups and individuals with low education levels. Data from Sumber Purong Village shows that hypertension is more common in people over the age of 40 due to the aging process which increases arterial stiffness. The age group of 20-30 years has a low risk, while the risk increases at the age of 31-50 years, with the highest prevalence at the age of >50 years. Education level also contributes significantly to the incidence of hypertension. Individuals with low education are more susceptible to hypertension due to lack of understanding and access to a healthy lifestyle. In contrast, higher education provides protection through better knowledge and adoption of a healthy lifestyle. Education was shown to be effective in improving knowledge and reducing the risk of hypertension and heart disease. Participants with good knowledge experienced a significant reduction in risk, while those with poor knowledge remained at high risk despite improved understanding. Therefore, community-based educational intervention is a strategic step to prevent hypertension and heart disease.
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