Heart Health, Child, Healthy MenuAbstract
Heart health in children is an important aspect often overlooked in society. Although heart disease is generally considered a health problem that only occurs in adults children are also susceptible to heart health problems. The problem of heart disease in Indonesia highlights a serious challenge in the health sector. The role of parents is vital in arranging a healthy, balanced menu for children and families in preventing heart disease. This community service aims to increase public understanding, especially among parents and children in kindergarten, about the importance of heart health at the early stages of development. They are providing knowledge about risk factors and signs of heart disease in children. Encouraging healthy living behavior that can support heart health in children and families. Community service activities consist of theoretical education and skills with numbers a total of 14 participants consisting of parents and children as well as teachers. The results of community service activities show that there has been a significant increase in parents' abilities, this is shown in the pre-test and post-test results of changes in the level of knowledge, attitudes, and motivation of community service participants regarding the menu. Healthy for Children and Families in Preventing Heart Disease from the majority having little knowledge after being given education to the majority having good knowledge. This community service activity should be carried out regularly, especially for the development and guidance of parents and teachers in kindergarten.
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