Pemberian Kompres Hangat dan Cold Pack pada Aksila Terhadap Penurunan Suhu Tubuh Pasien Cedera Kepala di Ruang Bedah RSU dr. R. Soedarsono Kota Pasuruan


  • Arslan Kamil Aries Institut Teknologi Kesehatan Malang Widya Cipta Husada Author
  • Siti Rizki Amalia Institut Teknologi Kesehatan Malang Widya Cipta Husada Author
  • Supono Supono Poltekkes Kemenkes Malang Author
  • Barangkau Barangkau Universitas Puangrimaggalatung Sulawesi Selatan Author


Head injury, cold pack, warm compress, body temperature


Increasing body temperature in head injured patients may worsen the prognosis of cure of patients who increase the risk of death if not treated properly. Increased body temperature can be treated by pharmacological methods and non-pharmacological methods. Non-pharmacological methods used are warm compresses and cold packs. The study was using Quasi Experimental design with Pre-test and Post-test Design With Comparasion Treatment design. The sampling technique used was consecutive sampling with 24 respondents. The result of this research is there is no significant difference between the decrease of body temperature after given warm compress and cold pack (p = 0,317). Cold pack compress can be used as an alternative to warm compress commonly used.


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How to Cite

Pemberian Kompres Hangat dan Cold Pack pada Aksila Terhadap Penurunan Suhu Tubuh Pasien Cedera Kepala di Ruang Bedah RSU dr. R. Soedarsono Kota Pasuruan. (2023). Jurnal Media Ilmu Kesehatan, 1(1), 1-8. (Original work published 2023)